Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
At de Vere Primary School, we strongly believe that every child matters. We work very hard to help all children achieve their full potential, irrespective of their starting points.
We aim to identify additional needs and provide support at an early stage to ensure that children's needs are met and resolved early on where possible, and the correct provision is put in place for them from the very beginning.
Our capable teachers and Learning Support Assistants meet children's needs in class through individual or small-group focused activities. We work closely with parents and other agencies such as Speech and Language Therapy Services and Educational Psychologists and we attend regular, relevant training.
Children with identified needs are placed on the special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) register, and benefit from the Essex approach of "One Planning" focused on child-centred reviews and individual provision mapping.
Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning and outcomes, and are encouraged to develop a high level of self-esteem, confidence and motivation for learning.
Please see our SEND Policy and SEND Information Report (v2022-2023) for further information.
Who is responsible for the Special Educational Needs provision in school?
The SEND Coordinator is Mrs Gurbutt
The Governor responsible for SEND is Mrs Vosper
Further Information
Parents of children with SEND may find further information on the available provisions in Essex on the Essex Local Offer Website. Here specific services and resources may be found to help with the process of gaining the outcome desired for a child or young person with SEND.
Further support and information can be found through the following websites:
Further information can be found through the following websites:
SEND Code of Practice (2014): https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/send-code-of-practice-0-to-25
Essex Local Offer advice pages on SEND, One Planning and EHCPs: https://send.essex.gov.uk/
Essex SEND, Information and Advice Service (Essex SEND IASS) provides free, confidential and impartial information, advice and support about Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) for children and young people (0-25), parents and carers: https://www.essexsendiass.co.uk/
Essex Educational Psychology Service provide a parent helpline available every Monday afternoon during term time, between 1pm and 5pm. Call: 01245 433293. An EP will listen to your concerns and discuss ideas, and help you consider what to do next:
Families in Focus are a leading independent parent led registered charity providing holistic support to families of children with disabilities and special needs (aged 0 to 25) across Essex, who require advice, information and support, particularly at times of change, challenge and crisis: 01245 353575
Family Solutions help families with a range of issues. They work with families for up to 12 months by helping them identify their own solutions to their problems. Family Solutions will work with families who have two or more of the following difficulties described as ‘Intensive’:
Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service deliver child and family health services, provide on-going additional services for vulnerable children and families: https://essexfamilywellbeing.co.uk/
They hold a weekly drop-in on Wednesday afternoon or offer support via a phone call. See the website for details.
NELFT NHS Integrated Therapies consist of speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and specialist health visitors. See their website for details on the services they offer and how to access support: https://www.nelft.nhs.uk/services-essex-childrens-integrated-therapies
Special needs and Parents (SNAP charity), provide a range of services to support parents: https://www.snapcharity.org/
Autism Anglia is an independent charity that provides care and support to autistic children, adults, and their families in East Anglia: https://www.autism-anglia.org.uk/
Young Minds offers mental health support for young people, parents and carers: https://www.youngminds.org.uk/
Kids Inspire provide mental health and trauma recovery support for children, young people and their families: https://www.kidsinspire.org.uk/
Southend, Essex and Thurrock Children's and Adolescent's Mental Health Service (SET CAMHS) provides advice and support to children, young people and families who are in need of support with their emotional wellbeing or mental health difficulties: https://www.nelft.nhs.uk/set-camhs/
VICTA are a support group for parents of a child who is blind or partially sighted, or a young adult aged 29 or under: https://www.victa.org.uk/
Home-Start is a local community network of trained volunteers and expert support helping families with young children through their challenging times: https://www.home-start.org.uk/
MAZE group run a variety of services to support parents of children with SEND, including workshops and monthly coffee mornings: https://www.themazegroup.co.uk/
They also run a Facebook support group:
ADHD / ASD parent support group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/myotas/
British Dyslexia Association offer support and advice and signpost local groups: https://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/