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Welcome to Marie Curie Class!

Class 4  Spring 2

Welcome to Marie Curie Class – Year 4 

In Year 4, Marie Curie Class is taught by Miss Manning and supported by Mrs Minnette and Mrs Champion.

Year 4 is an exciting year as we move into the second year of Key Stage Two. Children become more independent, learn more complex methods, and maintain their curiosity about the world. The Multiplication Timestable Check at the end of year 4 means there is a strong focus on learning tables,  which will need lots of practise at home.  We use the Times Table Rockstars programme as a fun and engaging way to help develop multiplication fluency.

We believe that a love of learning is key to a successful education and this is supported by our thematic approach (as showcased by our half-termly topics). Using these themes, we make cross-curricular links where possible with the belief that this deepens the child’s understanding of the topic, helps them make connections and encourages them to recognise the relevance of their learning. 

Our exciting themes for the year include the following:

Autumn Term 

Ancient Greece
Deadly Disasters (Volcanoes & Earthquakes)

Spring Term 

Once Upon a Raindrop
Far from Home (Invaders & Settlers)

Summer Term 

Farm to Fork (Food & Farming)
Inventing Adventures


Homework is set weekly on a Friday, to be returned the following Wednesday. This includes spellings, an activity on Freckle and Times Table Rockstars. It is also expected that children in year 4 will read at least four times a week. Your support at home with this is highly valued.


This half term, our PE days are Monday and Thursday. Hair must be tied up and earrings removed (please remove these before school if your child cannot do this independently).

Please contact me via email: a.manning@devere.essex.sch.uk or telephone via the office 

Marie Curie Class Blog 2024-2025

31st January 2025

In year 4, we have been busy with our topic of Once Upon a Raindrop. We have learnt about the water cycle and how water is recycled and reused. The class enjoyed a visit from Anglian Water, who carried out some fun activities with us to demonstrate how our water is cleaned, and the importance of saving water.

In English, we have been reading and analysing the poem The River, by Valerie Bloom. The class have now started writing their own river poems with a focus on using personification, metaphors, and similes.

In Science, we have been enjoying experimenting with the states of matter. We have explored how quickly it takes to melt an ice cube at different temperatures. We have also used hot water and ice to make condensation, which links to our Geography topic of the water cycle.

13th December 2024

It has been a creative couple of weeks in Marie Curie class as the children have been working on their new design project – making a purse or wallet. The children started by researching existing products before moving on to designing their own, alongside practising their sewing skills. The class also had an exciting afternoon using their woodwork skills to make Christmas decorations for the school. This coincided with the class’s reward day, in which the children opted for an Opposite Afternoon.

In Maths, we have been learning about area as well as continuing with our times table practise in which we have been focusing on the 3,6 and 9 times table.

In Science, the children have been enjoying learning about electricity. We have been building electrical circuits and exploring insulators and conductors. Most recently, the children worked in pairs to make their own switches.

15th November 2024

Our new topic this half term is Deadly Disasters, and we have started this by exploring what volcanoes are and how they are formed. The children discovered that the Earth has different layers, and the Earth’s crust is split in to tectonic plates.

In maths, we are continuing with addition and subtraction. We are focusing on 4-digit numbers and have now moved on to subtraction with exchange. We are continuing with our times table learning which has taken a competitive twist this week as we took part in a tournament against another class. It has been wonderful to see so many children engaging with this. Keep up the good work at home!

In English, we have started to read The Firework Maker’s Daughter. As we wanted to get to know the characters better, we acted out some of the scenes to try and get an understanding of their feelings and actions. There was some lovely, expressive reading carried out by the class!

On Wednesday 20th November, we will be holding a parents information meeting to help you better understand how we are teaching the times tables to your children. We will also be giving you information about the year 4 multiplication check, as well as giving you ideas as to how you can support your children at home. I hope to see many of you there!


24th October 2024

Marie Curie class have been working hard on developing their persuasive writing skills in English. They have been using their new found skills to write an advertisement for a magical object that could belong to Greek God or Goddess, as well as a letter of application for a job in a new shop opening in the immortal world. In maths, we have been exploring rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. We have also been starting to add together two 4-digit numbers. In Art we have been busy making Greek soldier statues using man-made materials.


Year 4's hard work over the past few weeks was celebrated last week when we had a picnic as our class reward. The children brought in soft toys to join them on their picnic on the field. It was wonderful spending time together playing and having fun in the sun. Well done Year 4! 


11th October 2024

We have had a busy few weeks continuing our exploration of Ancient Greece. During this time we have been learning that the Ancient Greeks were responsible for many inventions that we still use today. Did you know that the Ancient Greeks invented the alarm clock?  We also discovered that the Ancient Greeks were the first civilisation to use democracy and Year 4 were able to put this into practice themselves as the children voted for their own pupil forum. 

In English, Marie Curie class have learnt how to identify free verse poetry and have had a go at writing their own poem based on our current topic of Greece. We have been enjoying reading Who Let the Gods Out and the children are now planning an advertisement to sell their own immortal object inspired by the book.

In PE, we have been practising the different passes used in Netball. Year 4 had the opportunity to use these passes as they played mini matches in house teams. We certainly have some talented Netball players in our class! 


13th September 2024

Marie Curie class have had a very busy start to the new school year and it has been wonderful to see the children start the term with such enthusiasm. We have started our theme of Ancient Greece by exploring who the Ancient Greeks were, when they lived and how they were ruled.  We learnt about the Spartans and Athenians, and the children decided which city state they would like to visit. We had some great class discussion as they explained their choice!

The children found out that Historians discovered a lot of what they know from ancient artefacts such as pottery, the class then studied artefacts and created their own designs for Greek-inspired pots. In English, we have compared different types of poetry and have had a go at writing our own acrostic Minotaur poem.

In Maths, we have been exploring numbers up to 10,000. We have learnt about how these numbers are ordered on a number line and how they can be represented in different ways. In Music, the children have enjoyed listening to and learning the lyrics for Billy Withers’ Lean on Me.

Well done Marie Curie class, keep up the good work!


28th June 2024

There’s lots of update you on in Year 4. The children have now completed their Multiplication Check and were really with themselves. So many of the class have learned all their times tables and were racing to get the best speed.

We’ve been reading and writing newspaper reports in English, based around a short film called The Windmill Farmer. We’ve mastered decimals in Maths, and are now moving on to Money and Time.

On Tuesday, we were lucky enough to visit Writtle Agricultural College for their schools Food and Farming Day. There was lots to see and do, from machinery to crops to food tasting to animal rearing. The photos captured it best. It was one of the hottest days of the years so far but they coped really well and made us proud to take them out and about.

10th May 2024

In RE, Class 4 have been learning about how beliefs overlap in different religions, and about even individuals can choose which parts to believe in. In this week’s photos, you will see the class trying to influence each other along a physical line to represent what is known as a ‘Continuum of Belief’. This is a line that runs from full belief to no belief at all.  A useful construct that they can apply to other areas of their learning.

In other news, they have been learning how to edit photos in different programs; sharing the writing process in teams, and discovering decimals in Maths. We are also delighted with the children’s efforts with their times tables in readiness for the Year 4 Multiplication Check in June.

26th April 2024

In readiness for the Year 4 Times Tables Check in June, we have moved to daily practice with the children. More and more of the class are moving up, being able to answer 20 or more questions in 5 minutes, or getting really close. Thank you so much to those families that have been working tirelessly at home to help the children retain these key facts – it makes such a different to their results and their Maths overall.

In other news, we had a Viking Day on Thor’sday Thursday! Activities ranged from managing Viking settlements and defending villages, to designing shields, rating Alfred the Great on his achievements, to intricate drawings of the famous longships. It was a fun and informative day.

8th March 2024

Since our return after February half-term, we have been busy rehearsing our production, Pirates versus Mermaids. The children are really excited to demonstrate both their acting skills and their performance voices. As well as learning the lines and song lyrics, we have been exploring the picture book ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’. This has led to both writing a diary entry in character and drafting a persuasive letter to the author.

In Maths, we are starting Fractions and keeping our times tables learning going through regular practice. In DT, we have been learning to sew using a range of hand stitching. In History, we have started learning about life in Anglo-Saxon times: some children built the low houses near rivers in Lego, some completed aerial plans of a typical medieval village. We are all looking forward to Science Week, next week, led by Mrs Westrop.


2nd February 2024

In Geography and Science, we have been learning about the Water Cycle and how precious a resource water is.

In Maths, we have been learning how to divide numbers using the formal short method, also known as the ‘bus stop method’. It’s been really hard work but we have been cheering in class every time we successfully completed a question.

In response to our new class text of ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ by Roald Dahl, we have been creating synonym chains and creating our own characters, both mean and kind. Have a look at our photos to see some of our creations.

Also in the photos this week, you’ll see us singing some new songs. This is the very beginning of our preparation for our upcoming production: Pirates versus Mermaids, scheduled for late March, with Year 3.

19th January 2024

Happy New Year!

The children have been developing their multiplication and division facts in various ways, and learning what happens when numbers get 100 times bigger or smaller. We are also working hard to recall times tables facts using online games such as Maths Factor or Hit the Button.

In English, we have written poems that explore Lucy moving through the portal into snowy Narnia, and looking at how direct speech is punctuated. The children enjoyed turning text messages into dialogue.

Our topic is Water and we have begun explaining the water cycle, creating dioramas and learning French words to use alongside this topic. You can see some finished Water Cycle dioramas in our photos, and see the class listening live to an RAF pilot in our Career Conversations lesson.

15th December 2023

The final weeks of the Autumn Term have been a time for celebration, and not just for the usual reasons. I am so proud of how the children’s reading and writing is developing. They have become really familiar with coming up with new and varied vocabulary for all of their writing, from the frosted lamp posts of Narnia, to the spewing volcanoes and tectonic plates of our planet.

In Maths, they are continuing to practice their times tables and we have introduced another dimension using the free website Maths Factor (Times Tables Check) on a regular basis. They can practice the tables they need to learn, increasing their speed over time and trying to beat their own score. A shout-out to Mrs Eaves, our Maths lead, for putting us onto this.

In other subjects, we have been creating a class volcano structure using chicken wire and papier maché in Art, practising saying our age in French, and answering questions about faith and belief in RE. 

1st December 2023

Rudolph class are making great progress with their writing and have enjoyed retelling some of the events in The Firework-Maker’s Daughter. All their new vocabulary and grammar knowledge is being transferred over to our next story – The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. The Ice Queen has captured their imaginations as they develop their character descriptions.

In Geography, we have been looking deeper into the hows and whys of volcanoes and earthquakes. We have been researching these disasters online and the children are creating their own presentations using Google Slides.

In Maths, we have been getting to grips with the 7 and 9 times tables, revisiting arrays and solving problems to apply our knowledge. In Science, we have been learning all about electric circuits and circuit diagrams.

Christmas decoration day challenged our woodwork skills and we have made sparkly triangular decorations to brighten up the school corridors!

3rd November 2023

In a busy couple of weeks, Rudolph class have battled with some complicated topics in Maths, including exchanging in column subtraction, working hard to learn our times tables and the related division facts. We are so grateful to all the families who have been making use of their times tables flashcards over half-term – it is really making a difference!

In English, the class have enjoyed getting into a new text called ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’ by Phillip Pullman. They are developing their understanding of character and have been writing in role as Lila, the main character. In the photos, you can see the partner work taking place to read and answer questions on the text in preparation for the letter writing.

In History, we are saying goodbye to the Ancient Greeks and moving to a Geography topic of Deadly Disasters. In Art, we are learning about sculpture and how to draw bodies in proportion. PE moves to Gymnastics and Dodgeball this term.

13th October 2023

In English, we have been working hard to revise word classes such as nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. This has also been an opportunity to battle the punctuation pixies, as Mrs Hutchings likes to say, as those capital letters and full stops are being snatched by someone!

In Maths, we have been revising rounding and perfecting column addition, as well as learning new games to help us learn our times tables. Can I ask parents to keep practising times tables with their children at home please? Some extra resources will be coming home soon to make this easier for the class.

In PSHE, we have been learning about the difference between wants and needs, as well as children’s rights. In Science, we are getting good at using classification keys to sort animals by their characteristics. In Art, we were grateful for the recycling materials as we created our own mythical creatures or Greek gods and explored the challenges of turning designs into reality.

29th September 2023

Rudolph class has been busy exploring Ancient Greek mythical creatures to complement our English text ‘Who let the Gods Out?’ by author Maz Evans. So far, we have met a Minotaur and Cerberus, a three-headed dog, and used our imaginations to write a care plan for each of these huge beasts. We are focusing on using pronouns, paragraphs and punctuation effectively.

In Maths, as you can see by the photos, we have playing games outside to practice skip counting in various increments and to learn our times tables. I love the look of concentration on their faces!

In History, we have been learning about how Alexander the Great united the city-states and discussing what type of person he must have been to be so great. It turns out he really was quite talented but the children can tell you more!

Other learning has involved Handball and Fitness in PE, French conversation skills, RE, and we are starting to learn about Sculpture in Art. Of course, we are also continuing to learn about ourselves and  our brains in My Happy Mind too.

15th September 2023

First of all, I’d just like to explain that Rudolph Class is named after Wilma Rudolph - an Olympic athlete – and not a reindeer!

In Year 4, we have started our learning journey by exploring where Ancient Greece was located and how it was ruled. Our days have been filled with gods, temples and statues as we have explored poetry and historical life 4000 years ago.

In Maths, we have been securing our place value knowledge to 1000 and looking at how number lines can help us. Knowing all our times tables is a big priority for us in Year 4 as there is a statutory test in the Spring term. We have been looking at a variety of ways to learn them from paper tests to bean bag games so that each of us can find a way to make the knowledge stick.

In PE, we are developing ball skills in readiness for learning handball. The children have made a great start to the school year and I am looking forward to seeing them progress.

2022-2023 Class Blog

20th July 2023

In the past few weeks, we have had lots of learning opportunities. The children have really enjoyed mastering telling time on analogue and 24-hour digital clocks! Please do help your child continue to practice this skill. We have been looking at pneumatics, and after looking at how these are used in the world around us, we created a simple model for our own pneumatic. In Science, we have been using data loggers to look at how sound decreases the further we move from the source. We have been preparing for Sports Day. As our class reward, we chose to spend some time with Class R. We set up our own mini version of Sports Day and the Year R pupils rotated around to experience each of the tasks. We have also been enjoying transition days in our new classroom ready for September!

16th June 2023

This fortnight has seen our trip to Clare Country Park, and what a super day we had! The children were superbly behaved, and they engaged studiously with all of our activities. After arrival, we used our map reading skills to navigate the country park using four-figure grid references and OS symbols. We were keen to put our photography skills that we’ve been learning in Art to good use with all the picturesque places we had seen on our map reading session. We put these to good use with a trip up to the Castle remains, followed by an exciting walk along the river to photograph and enjoy the cygnets and ducklings. After this, we were ready for lunchtime and a play in the park!  

Following lunch, the children were excited to use their questionnaires on the visitors to the park. We wanted to find out where people had travelled from, how often they visited the park and what their purpose for visiting was. So many people were delighted to talk to our polite pupils! 

Our afternoon was filled with measuring the river’s flow by a precise game of ‘Pooh sticks’. We also were able to carry out a wildlife walk. So much fun and learning was experienced by all – the children carried themselves with dignity and respect the whole time, and we were all proud of them. They were such a credit to the school and to you as parents. 

25th May 2023

In Rudolph class, we have continued our learning journey and finished this half term with a flourish! Our times table check is approaching after half term, so we have worked relentlessly to master our times tables. Please continue this through the Maths Factor times table check website and Times Table Rockstars over half term!

In English, we have been gripped by the story of Varjak Paw, and enjoyed writing our own versions of Varjak’s adventures in the city using fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases. In Geography, we have continued our study into ‘farm to fork’ by exploring the food miles of the food in our lunchboxes. We were staggered to find out just how far so many of our foods have travelled. In Music, we have begun exploring blues music and in particular, George Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue. We had a fantastic time using different percussion instruments to complement the music, thinking carefully about rhythm, texture and timbre of the instruments. In Maths, we have continued delving into the topic of decimals, but this time dividing numbers by 10 and 100 and making decimal answers.

12th May 2023

In Rudolph class, we have worked hard to get our torches complete after planning our design and purpose. We evaluated our success afterwards and considered what went well and how we might alter them if we were to repeat the task. The class impressed us all with their circuit knowledge and problem solving skills.

In Maths, we recapped dividing numbers by 10 and 100 through a group game. We have been able to apply this knowledge to decimal numbers. In English, we are excited to have started reading and studying Varjak Paw by SF Said – many children were keen to read a story about cats!

We have been working really hard on our times tables as our Multiplication Tables Check will be held between Monday 5th June and Friday 16th June. We have been using the website https://www.themathsfactor.com/times-tables-check/#/menu to practise and identify which tables we need to practice most.

At the woods, we have been working on lighting fires and building dens, self-initiating activities and problem solving. On the walk up to the woods, we were able to start our Farm to Fork topic by looking at the farmland we pass and the crop that is growing there.

28th April 2023

What a spectacular few weeks we have had – I’m sure you will agree that the children excelled themselves and put on a superb show. The children’s resilience, determination and support of each other were truly admirable throughout the pulling together of the production and presenting the show to our audiences! The buzz and accomplishment the children felt continues to make all the work for these productions worthwhile and continues to advocate for the importance of including these within the curriculum at de Vere Primary.

In English, we have been exploring a film unit from a clip about a Windmill Farmer. We have been able to write poems and are currently planning and writing a newspaper. In Maths, we have started to apply our knowledge about fractions to decimals.

In our theme, we are currently exploring a DT topic – torches. We have been able to evaluate existing products and begin to explore how we can use circuits to create our own torch. We are looking forward to using any suitable boxes and containers heading for a recycling bag at home into working torches. The Friends have very kindly purchased all of the circuit materials, so that your child can bring home their finished product.

31st March 2023

What a busy and fun fortnight we have had in Rudolph Class! We have been exploring about Sutton Hoo and how this has informed knowledge of Anglo-Saxon life. We took part in a drama re-enactment to help us learn and remember the events and discoveries made by Mrs. Pretty and Basil Brown.

We have been continuing to learn our lines and lyrics for our production as well as doing a brilliant job of reading a poem at the Easter service. In English, we have enjoyed continuing to work on ‘How to Train Your Dragon’, including designing our own dragons ready to write a non-chronological report. In Maths, we have continued to work hard with fractions – we have been working on improper fractions and mixed numbers, and we are now moving onto adding and subtracting fractions.

We have also shared some photographs of our Mother’s Day baking and our string cup experiments in Science Week.

17th March 2023

We are working very hard on our production – learning our cues and building up to knowing our songs off-by-heart. Please can all speaking parts be learned off-by-heart by the end of the Easter holidays.

We have been nearly finished our Recorder lessons. We have had great fun learning to play different songs, and taking part in other musical activities.

As part of Science Week, we have been learning about greenhouse gases warming up our planet, and how sound travels. We recieved a message from year 3, using morse code, and then passed the message onto Year 5, using string cups.

In Computing, we are learning about data. This week, we explored data loggers, and we had great fun moving around the classroom and outdoors to take readings in different locations.

3rd March 2023

Class 4 have been busy starting new units of works. In Maths, we have started to explore fractions. We have been engaging with our new topic by exploring the concept of the whole and practically dividing up the whole into equal sections by folding paper and dividing up squares and hexagons as equally as we can. We have played a game in ordering fractions up to and beyond the whole. 

In History, we have begun to explore our new theme of Invaders and Settlers. We have been ordering events from the Anglo-Saxon and Viking invasions/settlements of this country. We reenacted events and wrote persuasive letters to the Anglo-Saxons, trying to convince them to join us to support us fighting against Pict and Scot invasions. 

As you will know, we have carried out our auditions and allocated parts. Rehearsals are now in full swing! Please support your child in learning their lines at home. 😊 

10th February 2023

Our final weeks in this half term have been filled with lots of learning and fun! We had our Geography Experience afternoon, focusing on natural disasters and the water cycle. As part of this, we watched the reaction between vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to recap on our learning about volcanic eruptions. We built our own towers out of wooden blocks, and watched the effects of earthquakes on these. We then looked into the details of the Haiti 2010 earthquake. After this, we built towers out of Lego bricks, and we talked about ways that countries, like Japan, prepare for earthquakes and building regulations used to minimise damage and help buildings move with the tremors. We finished our afternoon by creating our own water cycles in a zip lock bag with water and food colouring.

In Maths, we have been learning about written multiplication and written division methods. We have loved the challenge of learning and applying new methods. In English, we have been having great fun using Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as our stimulus. This has included inventing and explaining in writing our own sweets!

27th January 2023

We have had a superb fortnight in class 4! We have been finishing our writing based on Narnia, and we all enjoyed planning and writing our own beginning for the story.

In Maths, we have been working on our written multiplication methods. Our times tables we know off-by-heart have been a good help for this.

In Geography, we have begun looking at our topic of water. We started with atlases and naming up the main seas surrounding the United Kingdom and the main rivers in England, Scotland and Wales. We have been learning about the water cycle and making our own diagrams for this in groups.

We have continued with our recorder lessons with our visiting recorder teacher. He is really impressed with how quickly we are progressing, and we have been playing lots of different pieces with the notes B, A and G.

13th January 2023

In Class 4, we have had a great start to the term! In these few days, in Maths, we have explored factor rainbows and also learned how to make numbers 10 and 100 times bigger. In English, we have been continuing with Narnia, and we have looked at learning similes, metaphors and punctuating direct speech. We had a visiting teacher from Essex Music Schools to teach us recorder. We had great fun, and the teacher was impressed that he can go straight into pieces of music with three notes! 

9th December 2022

Class 4 have had a super busy couple of weeks! We have had so much fun! We have been making our PowerPoints about natural disasters, adding animations and fancy effects to what we have learned so far. In English, we have been focusing on The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. We have been miming parts of the story and using this to help us develop our writing skills. We have been adding different openers to our writing to make it more interesting. In Maths, we have been looking at recalling times tables more rapidly. We created times table flowers that we can peg our answers to – we had great fun laminating our flowers to make them last longer! We have been able to share books together as part of our book club.  In DT, we have been working towards making our own pencil cases! We have explored our own pencil case designs from home and have begun working on developing basic stitch techniques. Watch this space for our progress towards our pencil cases.  

25th November

We have started our new topic of Natural Disasters. We have learned about volcanic eruptions and earthquakes already! We learned about the different parts of volcanoes by making collages of them and labelling them. We have learned about the causes and effects of earthquakes too. In Computing, we have been learning how to make a PowerPoint presentation, and we are making these based on natural disasters.

We also had out wonderful trip to the park as our class reward. We had great fun playing together!

On decoration day, we started by looking at Floating Ice by Monet. We explored Monet, some of his art and the painting style of impressionism. We moved onto looking at Monet's Waterlilies and used this to inspire some hanging clay flowers, using the skills we developed in Art. We moved onto experimenting with origami with some help from Mrs. White.

11th November 2022

In Rudolph class, we have been focusing on our sculpture project. This has built on from our recycled materials models. We started by looking at sketching a person in proportion. We used this to design our own Greek sculpture. We had to work hard to persevere with producing an armature out of wire. We used this as a basis for our clay sculpture (maquette). Super perseverance Year 4 and a super start to learning how to use clay and how to sculpt. 

In Maths, we have been learning how to use and apply our written method for adding and subtracting. Ask us to show you what we have learned! 

7th October 2022

In year 4, we have been so busy as we have continued our learning about the Ancient Greeks. Our English has been linked to this as we continue reading ‘Who let the gods out?’ This has inspired our non-chronological text planning around the Greek god, Charon. We have researched about him, planned out our text and are getting ready to write and present this work. In maths, we have worked up to understanding numbers up to 10,000, reading Roman numerals and begun to learn about rounding numbers to the nearest ten. We have been learning to count in french. In science, we have been learning about local habitats and recording potential environmental dangers.

Friday 23rd September

What a super start we have had in Year 4! We have had lots of hands on and real life maths activities. We have used lots of resources to help us understand place value up to 10,000. As part of this, we looked at scales on a variety of measuring resources, looking at what the scales were counting in, and what value would be halfway between the intervals. We have begun to explore poetry and myths as part of our study about the Ancient Greeks too. 


Reading is crucial to our ability to engage with the world around us. In Year 4, we ensure that reading is central in all of our learning, through activities including daily independent reading, echo and choral reading whenever the opportunity arises across all subjects, sharing and enjoying Week Junior and kids’ National Geographic magazines weekly to name a few! We are thoroughly enjoying sharing our class book, ‘Who Let the Gods Out?’ under our visualiser - Elliot and Virgo just keep getting themselves into trouble! Through discussion, we love unpicking the events, identifying vocabulary used skilfully, exploring character’s motives and behaviour and making predictions.


As always, homework will be set on Friday and should be completed by the following Wednesday. Homework will be set online each week. Every week children will need to do the following:

· Complete any assignments set on Freckle.

· Practise spellings either on EdShed or in your LSCWC books.

· Read at least 4 times a week with this being logged in Reading Records and signed by an adult

· Play on TimesTableRockstars to practise your multiplication facts

P.E and Forest School

Our P.E. lessons are taught on Thursdays and Fridays. For all these lessons, earrings must be taken out and long hair must be tied up.

We have the great opportunity to learn and explore in the safety of the woods, once every four weeks. We enjoy learning and discovering in our sessions with Mr Mooney. Please keep a watchful eye on the newsletter for the dates of our sessions.

We come into school in old clothes suitable for going to the woods on these days.

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